Manuzak Wedding!

Our lab team attended the wedding of Jen and Keith in Hawaii! Cheers to the Manuzaks!

Preliminary Exam Defense!

Our most senior graduate student, Sydney Nemphos, successfully defended her preliminary exam in August of 2023. She is now a PhD Candidate in her program at Tulane School of Medicine. Congratulations Sydney!

Attending NHP-AIDS in Davis, CA

Our lab traveled to UC Davis in October 2023 to attend the 40th Annual Symposium on NHP Models for AIDS. We had a great time presenting our research and networking with other professionals in the world of NHP research.

Hawaiian Shave Ice!

Our lab enjoyed Hawaiian shave ice during our summer vacation in 2023. We were able to get flavors like lilikoi, passion fruit/orange/guava (POG), and coconut.

Diamond Head State Park!

While staying on Oahu in summer 2023, we were able to do a sunrise hike at Diamond Head State Park. The views of the island were absolutely breathtaking (and so was the elevation!).

Sydney's 1st Podium Talk at a Conference!

In Portland, OR at NHP-AIDS Conference in 2022, Sydney gave a podium talk on her dissertation work! We are so proud of our students!

Tulane BMS Retreat!

Sydney presented her research at the biannual BMS Retreat! We are passionate about science communication in the Manuzak Lab!

BMS Welcome Reception!

Our lab attended the annual Welcome Reception for the BMS Program hosted at JAX Brewery!

Celebrating St. Patrick's Day Parade in NOLA!

Our lab attended the Irish-Italian parade in the Irish Channel of New Orleans. The signature throw of this parade is vegetables, so we left with plenty of cabbages and potatoes!

Networking with Dr. Vincent Racaniello!

We had the privilege of meeting with Dr. Vincent Racaniello, a virologist known for his work on poliovirus! He is the creator and host of This Week in Virology, part of a network of science podcasts.

Summer Softball League!

We enlisted the help of other scientists at TNPRC to join our summer softball team called the Simian Sluggers! We lost our first game 16-2.

French Quarter Festival!

The students in the lab love to attend the festivals in New Orleans. This one was filled with food, drinks, and shenanigans! Honorable mention: crawfish pasta!

Seattle Aquarium!

The lab attended CROI 2023 (Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections) in Seattle, WA! We got to go to the aquarium and sight-see around the city!

Seattle Kraken vs. Boston Bruins Game!

While attending CROI 2023, we were able to attend an NHL game!

BMS Winter Soirée!

James, Sydney, and Sallie celebrated the end of the semester at the Biomedical Sciences Winter Soirée held at Degas Art Gallery in New Orleans.

Tulane Football Games!

James, Sydney, and Sallie went to the AAC Championship in New Orleans. Tulane won! Roll Wave!

Tea Parties!

The entire lab team celebrated Dr. Manuzak's engagement with a surprise tea party. (Our new favorite snack is scones and clotted cream).

Principal Investigator

Jennifer Manuzak

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Medical Research Specialist

Hannah Green

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PhD Candidate

Sydney Nemphos

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PhD Student

Sallie Fell

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PhD Student

James Prusak

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